Whispers Vol 2.

    Whispers Volume 2: A Second Collection - Stuart Keane  5/5  http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0167FX8NW?keywords=Stuart%20Keane&qid=1450303737&ref_=sr_1_4&sr=8-4                

     Stuart Keane has had a busy few months. First Cine, then Grin, and now Whispers Vol 2. For a lot of writers that would be overkill. You have to space out your output a little, or else you start to piss off your fan base. Stuart's fans actually prefer that he release his work this way. We hate a long wait. Whispers is a collection of short stories that are both old and new. Like Whispers they feature some pieces that were in other anthologies and some that are new to the collection. Either way it's a win win because it allows us time to breath until his next full length release and for the Keane collector's it's a chance to have all of these stories in one collection. What a collection we have here folks!

     If you've read this blog before I am a huge Keane fan. Whispers doesn't stray too far from what he has done before. The thing is we see that he's grown as a writer. There are some stories here that will certainly cause nightmares. Keane is a horror writer that knows no limits. Nothing is sacred. If you've never read Keane's work before this is where you should start. Volume 2 is a ride through hell and at the end of the collection you'll find yourself smoking. The overall theme here is revenge, and what a way to exact it.

     Reading Whispers Vol 2 you'll find that Keane has a knack for creating stories that affect you and even make you think a little. Keane's not just a writer that wants to gross you out. He wants to creep inside your head. That's what makes him so good. This is a writer that seemingly can do no wrong. With each release we see a writer who is constantly evolving and Whispers is a collection that shows that growth very well. As a whole this is a collection you need to pick up. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Keane is the new master of horror. When you look beyond the gore and the violence what you have is the true definition of terror. There are a lot of great writers that I admire, but Keane reminds me so much of Richard Laymon that it's almost as if he's channeling his spirit somehow. Whispers is yet another solid release and I can't wait to see what he comes up with next


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