Find You In The Dark - Nathan Ripley 4/5 stars

    I  received an advanced copy from Netgalley.
         Just from reading the blurb of Find You In The Dark you know right away that you're in for something special. Not only do you have a guy harboring his own secrets, but then, he gets attention from someone who doesn't like his own secrets coming out. It's an interesting premise and one that can only work if the writer is talented enough to make you care about the story. The story here is creepy enough, but when you add in Martin Reese's weird hobby and then The Ragman it becomes even creepier and way more interesting. It's the dark aspects of the story that make it so good. We all have secrets that we would like to stay hidden, but what would we do if they began to leak out? What happens when the life we keep hidden is compromised?

      The book initially starts out slow kind of like a roller coaster, but then when it picks up speed it hurtles ahead almost giving you whiplash. Martin alone isn't likable, or interesting enough to keep this book moving on his own. He's a bit player in a story that touches other characters and widens a bit in the second half. The questions form as The Ragman appear and it seems as if Martin is truly in over his head. That's what keeps the story moving. It's these small twists and turns that truly grip you. The real story isn't about The emergence of Ragman at all. He's an important part of the story, but how will Marting protect his family without his own secrets coming out? That's the hook, that's why you keep reading the book. Ripley has created an interesting novel that keeps you guessing. You can't but wonder how it'll end. It's an interesting premise that works and works well. Ripley has created an interesting thriller that is gripping and highly entertaining.


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